Monday, January 02, 2006

Reflections on the past year

naturally, this is a time that gets you to take stock of the past year & also gets you thinking about the upcoming year. i've been doing exactly that this morning, just from a foodie standpoint - i have been musing about life overall all through the holidays.

few highlights of the past year i'd like to share:
  1. i started this food blog
  2. i attended couple inspiring chef talks - on Microsoft campus & at Town Hall
  3. i continued to update this food blog
  4. i started another blog to start sharing my mom's recipes
  5. got accepted by Gypsy Foods...this really underhand movement of foodies that's its real tough to get into...i just got accepted before the holidays so not yet sure what this is going to entail but will keep you posted once i discover
few things that i'm hoping to accomplish in this year:
  1. take a CIA bootcamp - this one is happening for certain as i'm booked for Jan 16-20...yeah, its coming up in a few days and yeah, i'm going to be spending a WHOLE week at the god of chef schools...just can't wait :)
  2. finish up the blog with my mom's recipes
  3. take a Culinary Communion class & learn a new cuisine (Moroccan, perhaps)
  4. more food blogging
  5. get involved with the local food community - still toying with ideas here but am about to become a member of Slow Food Seattle. i'd like for a way to be able to educate the community of eating healthy & fresh and using Indian food as a means of doing so


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